Private, Independent and Autonomous International Virtual Institution Commercially Registered in Switzerland since 2013
System Accreditation by ECLBS (LV)
European Council of Leading Business Schools
ECLBS is recognized by the ANQAHE Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
ECLBS is a member of the IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence in Europe.
ECLBS is recognized by many national accreditation agencies spanning countries such as Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Kosovo, Mauritania, Syria, and others.
Source: website
What is the value of this accreditation?:
Approved by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA)
Approved by the Moldova National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC)
Approved by the Netherlands Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO)
Approved by the USA Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
Approved by the Kyrgyz Agency for Quality Assurance in Education “EdNet”
Approved by the Kazakhstan IAAR Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating
Approved by the Indian National Theological Association (NTA)
Approved by the Mauritanian Authority for Quality Assurance in Higher Education AMAQ-ES
and more... check the ECLBS website
ECLBS is an independent quality assurance body collaborating with international state accreditation agencies. It should not be confused with the "Europäischer Rat" (European Council).